David Chung

Software Engineer @ Docker

David focuses on infrastructure orchestration at Docker and is a maintainer of the InfraKit project (http://github.com/docker/infrakit). Before that, David advised companies on devops best practices and co-founded a startup focusing on orchestration and infrastructure automation. He has held senior engineering and manager positions at companies such as Zynga and Google. David has over a decade of experience building and running large scale services -- from payments to storage to online games.

talkManaging Infrastructure in the World of Containers

Containers improved efficiencies in delivering software and moved us towards dynamic infrastructure and continuous deployment of code. Even as container platforms like Kubernetes solved problems in deployment and scaling, problems in the infrastructure layer remain -- from bootstrapping of container platform itself to infrastructure provisioning, scaling and updates. This talk describes these problems and how InfraKit as a project solves them by providing common primitives and automation. The audience will see how InfraKit and related projects can work together to help automate the management of container platforms whether they run in public cloud or in private data centers.

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