Michael Hausenblas

Developer Advocate @ Red Hat

Michael is a Developer Advocate at OpenShift by Red Hat where he helps appops to build and operate distributed services. His background is in large-scale data integration, Hadoop/NoSQL and IoT and he's experienced in advocacy and standardization (W3C and IETF). Michael contributes to open source software such as OpenShift and Kubernetes and shares his experience with distributed systems and large-scale data processing through code, blog posts and public speaking engagements.

talkCoding with containers

Developing with and in containers, using a cluster of machine that potentially runs in a cloud setting is becoming the new norm. In this talk we’ll discuss the challenges around development velocity, modes of development (from offline to online) and show how and when to use which mode using OpenShift and Kubernetes as an example environment.

Meet our international lineup of container experts

Learn about security, orchestration, networking and more

More speakers to be announced soon!