Sven Dowideit

Principal Software Engineer @ Rancher Labs

Sven Dowideit is a principal software engineer at Rancher Labs, where he works on RancherOS, a thin Linux distribution that delivers the entire operating system as containers. Prior to joining Rancher Labs, Sven held engineering positions at Unisys and Docker, where he developed the Boot2Docker Linux distribution.

talkBuilding and using micro Linux distributions for Docker

Docker containers have transformed how new software is developed, with hundreds of millions of containers supporting applications in production today. However, every container needs a Linux host on which to run. This talk will provide a short history and landscape review of Linux microdistributions available today, before diving into the considerations for building and using such distributions.We'll include the architectural decision points involved with buiLding and choosing a container-focused Linux distribution, and conclude with demos and practical use cases for developers, DevOps, and operations teams who are investigating and using containers today.

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